Handwriting will make you a better Writer

Everyone knows that writing is hard work, but with dedication and a willingness to put the work in, you can create something beautiful. The problem a lot of writers struggle with is either motivation or distractions. Yikes! This is why I created this short ebook to...

10 Reasons you should switch to Scrivener – ebook!

Writing is hard work. We get it. But does writing have to be a process where you pull your hair out and wish there were simpler ways to write a book? Enter Scrivener. This one piece of software has revolutionized the way writers approach their books writing. No longer...

How to Set Up a blog the Right Way

      Download this month’s free ebook on setting up your own blog from scratch! Blogging is a fun way to communicate with the world what God has placed on your heart. But I’ve talked to so many people who look at this world of blogging and give...
Evernote Hacks Every Writer Needs!

Evernote Hacks Every Writer Needs!

Have you ever struggled with not knowing the best course of action to take your writing to the next level? I know I have. This is where Evernote saved me a ton of time and headache when it comes to writing. I would struggle in wanting to write something, using an app...

Get Published Today Using Theses 3 Techniques.

  We all desire to get published and to see our work in the hands of readers who’s lives will be changed. But where does one simply get published relatively quickly? It’s easier than you think, and I’ll show you how. This is why we are providing...